Trust, Everyone Remote, and the 5 Skills
Welcome (or welcome back) to the Remote Work Tip newsletter, which reaches thousands of remote workers every week via our website, e-mail, and now for the first time, on LinkedIn! Each week, we include a link to a short video tip, a work-from-anywhere insight and a recommendation.
If you know someone who works remotely, please share this newsletter with them. Our goal is to help EVERY remote worker thrive outside of the office, and this newsletter is an important step along that journey. And if you prefer to get the newsletter delivered directly to your inbox, you can subscribe to it here.
We’ve been busy recording new episodes of our podcast (more on that in the next week or two) and in one of the many exciting conversations we’ve had, a really interesting topic came up, are we ALL remote workers now? Well, in a very real sense, we are. Even if you are IN the office think about where you work relative to everyone else. Quite often the people you work with are remote from you, no matter where you work!
Why does that matter? Well, the main reason is that many of the key skills you develop to help you work outside of a formal office setting are just as useful on the days you are back in the office. As one of our BillionMinders put it recently, these are “skills to get stuff done when no one is looking” and THOSE skills can be valuable anywhere. So even if you have been back in the office more lately, keep working to develop them.
Part of our commitment to you at BillionMinds is that we will continuously update our Skills Development environment based on the latest research. In that spirit, over the last few months, we’ve been hard at work overhauling the entire BillionMinds curriculum to incorporate everything that we now know about how Remote Workers can thrive. A key change is that we’ve now discovered 5 core skills that remote workers have (updated from the original four). The new curriculum will be released very soon, but if you would like a sneak preview, take a look at our latest blog post that details the 5 skills you need.
Remote Work Tip 2.22: Preserving Trust With Your Manager and Colleagues
Video Length: 85 seconds.
When you are physically separate from your colleagues, people don’t always see you working, and if you are not careful, they might stop trusting that you are. In this week’s video, we’ve got some thoughts on how to preserve trust while still working in the way that’s best for you. Just click on the image below to find out more!
About Us
The Remote Work Tip Newsletter is brought to you each week by BillionMinds. BillionMinds helps employees develop the skills they need to do great work outside of the office, and become certified as Remote Work Professionals. For more information, visit us here.